
Sustainability is possible, but for it to be achieved, we need to change the way business operates. 19 February 2020 we invited policy makers and researchers to take part in the discussion on how we can make this transition to sustainability, and how we can make European business the market-leaders of tomorrow. Recordings also available on YouTube. The academic posters and the flyers that were presented at the conference can be downloaded from here

Business session

Securing the future of European business, by Beate Sjåfjell, leader of the SMART project and law professor at the University of Oslo. 

Download powerpoint

Beate Sjåfjell


Comments by: 

  • Maija Laurila, head of unit Company Law, European Commission's Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers
  • Michel de Fabiani, chair of the policy committee at EcoDa
  • Olivier Boutellis-Taft, CEO of Accountancy Europe

Olivier Boutellis-Taft


Maija Laurila


Michel de Fabiani

Finance session

Financing the transition to sustainability, by Jay Cullen, SMART team member and Professor at the University of York.

Download powerpoint

Jay Cullen

Comments by: 

  • Martin Koch, policy officer at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
  • Per Bengtsson, adviser at Nordea
  • Eleni Choidas, European policy manager at ShareAction
  • Discussion with the audience

Discussion / comments 

Products session

Towards a sustainable circular economy, by Eléonore Maitre-Ekern, SMART team member and researcher at the University of Oslo.

Download powerpoint 

Eléonore Maitre-Ekern 

Comments by: 

  • William Neale, adviser on circular economy at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Environment
  • Miquel Ballester Salva, co-founder / circular innovation lead at Fairphone
  • Arthur ten Wolde, executive director, Ecopreneur
  • Discussion with the audience
Discussion / comments 

Panel discussion: How can we take the SMART reform proposals forward?


  • Beate Sjåfjell, Law Professor at the University of Oslo and coordinator of the SMART project
  • Sebastian Godinot, economist at the WWF European Policy Office
  • Isabelle Schömann, confederal secretary at the European Trade Union Confederation 
  • Jay Cullen, SMART team member and Professor at the University of York
  • Eléonore Maitre-Ekern, SMART team member and researcher at the University of Oslo 
Discussion / comments 

Concluding remarks

By Beate Sjåfjell, Law Professor at the University of Oslo and coordinator of the SMART Project

Beate Sjåfjell