Call for Papers: Finance for Sustainability

Daughters of Themis: International Network of Female Business Scholars has announced a SMART relevant Call for Papers inviting contributions to their Fifth annual workshop, 'Finance for Sustainability'. The deadline for submission of abstracts to the Call for Papers via this online form is 26 March 2019.

Accommodation at Cavo Perlevos Studios, Kea, where the workshop is held. Photo: Cavos Perlevos Studio

The workshop focuses on the issue of how the financial system can put sustainability at the heart of its institutions, policies, processes and products. The objective of the call for papers is to critically examine the financial system, the finance phenomena, financial institutions and intermediaries in a comprehensive approach, which understands that achieving the global goal of sustainability requires action local, regional and international action.

Contributions may engage with one or several of the topics below, or other relevant issues:

  • Methodological challenges in researching sustainable finance
  • The role of women, gender and gender perspectives in finance for sustainability
  • Institutional investors, index funds and passive and active fund management
  • Finance and corporate governance of listed companies
  • The role of intermediaries in finance for sustainability
  • Financing bottom-up approaches to sustainable business
  • Sustainability impacts of financial products
  • Interaction between finance and other areas of law and policy
  • Finance for development within a sustainability framework
  • Governance mechanisms in financial institutions
  • International, regional and national regulatory and policy initiatives
  • Holistic approaches to sustainable finance assessment
  • Case studies of innovating financial solutions for sustainability, including disruptive financial products, microfinance, assessment methodologies, risks metrics, and sustainable clauses in financial contracts

For more details and information about the workshop, please consult the official call. Successful participants will be notified by 29 March 2019.


Published Mar. 11, 2019 5:18 PM - Last modified Mar. 12, 2019 9:19 AM