SMART working paper series

M. Andhov, R. Caranta, T. Stoffel, J. Grandia, W.A. Janssen, R. Vornicu, J.J. Czarnezki, A. Gromnica, K. Tallbo, O. Martin-Ortega, L. Mélon, Å. Edman, P. Göthberg, P. Nohrstedt, A. Wiesbrock, ‘Sustainability Through Public Procurement: The Way Forward – Reform Proposals’, SMART Report (2020). Available at SSRN.


Karin Buhmann, Neglecting the Proactive Aspect of Human Rights Due Diligence? A Critical Appraisal of the EU's Non-Financial Reporting Directive as a Pillar One Avenue for Promoting Pillar Two Action (October 25, 2017). University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research paper No. 2017-34. Available at SSRN.


James Cullen, Jukka Mähönen, and Heidi Rapp Nilsen, ‘Financing the Transition to Sustainability: SMART Reform Proposals’, SMART Report (2020). Available at SSRN.


C. Gammage, S.E. Stave,  H. Ahlström, and B. Sjåfjell, ‘SMART Guidelines: Making Policy Coherence for Development Fit for Purpose’, SMART Report (2020). Available at SSRN.


Andrew Johnston, Climate-Related Financial Disclosures: What Next for Environmental Sustainability (February 12, 2018). University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research paper No. 2018-02. Available at SSRN.


Eléonore Maitre-Ekern, Mark B. Taylor, and Maja van der Velden, ‘Towards a Sustainable Circular Economy: SMART reform proposals’, SMART Report (2020). Available at SSRN.


David Monciardini, John Dumay and Lucia Biondi, Integrated Reporting and EU Law. Competing, Converging or Complementary Regulatory Frameworks? (June 7, 2017).

University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research paper No. 2017-23. Available at SSRN.


Maria Jesús Muñoz-Torres, Maria Angeles Fernández Izquierdo, Juana Maria Rivera Lirio, Idoya Ferrero-Ferrero and Elena Escrig Olmedo, Responsible Investment as Market Driver for Sustainable Development (June 7, 2017). University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research paper No. 2017-24. Available at SSRN.


Jukka Mähönen, Public Entities as Institutional Investors for Corporate Sustainability (June 7, 2017). University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research paper No. 2017-25. Available at SSRN.


Heidi Rapp Nilsen, The Hierarchy of Resource Use in a Sustainable Circular Economy (June 7, 2017). University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research paper No. 2017-22. Available at SSRN.


Katerina Peterkova, Life-Cycle Based Climate Regulation Through Supply Chain Contracts (May 26, 2017). University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research paper No. 2017-22. Available at SSRN.


Jaakko Salminen, Governance Through Contract and the Environmental Impact of Supply Chains - Still Waiting for a 'Rana Plaza' Moment of Global Recognition (June 13, 2017). University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research paper No. 2017-28. Available at SSRN.


Beate Sjåfjell, Bridge Over Troubled Water: Corporate Law Reform for Life-Cycle Based Governance and Reporting (November 22, 2016). University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2016-23. Available at SSRN


Beate Sjåfjell, Dismantling the Legal Myth of Shareholder Primacy: The Corporation as a Sustainable Market Actor (February 6, 2017). University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2017-03. Available at SSRN.


B. Sjåfjell, J. Mähönen, M.B. Taylor, E. Maitre-Ekern, M. van der Velden, T. Novitz, C. Gammage, J. Cullen, M. Andhov, and R. Caranta, ‘Supporting the Transition to Sustainability: SMART Reform Proposals’, SMART Report (2019, updated 2020). Available at SSRN.

B. Sjåfjell, J. Mähönen, T. Novitz, C. Gammage, and H. Ahlström, ‘Securing the Future of European Business: SMART Reform Proposals’, SMART Report (2020). Available at SSRN.

Beate Sjåfjell, Jukka Mähönen, Andrew Johnston and Jay Cullen, Obstacles to Sustainable Global Business. Towards EU Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (March 18, 2019). University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2019-02. Available at SSRN: or


Beate Sjåfjell, Heidi Rapp Nilsen and Benjamin Richardson, Investing in Sustainability or Feeding on Stranded Assets? The Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global (June 19, 2017). University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2017-29. Available at SSRN.  


Beate Sjåfjell and Mark B. Taylor, Planetary Boundaries and Company Law: Towards a Regulatory Ecology of Corporate Sustainability (May 26, 2015). University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2015-11. Available at SSRN.


Katrien Steenmans, Rosalind Malcolm and Jane Marriott, Commodification of Waste: Legal and Theoretical Approaches to Industrial Symbiosis as Part of a Circular Economy (June 10, 2017). University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2017-26. Available at SSRN.


Dániel Gergely Szabó, Fueling Life-Cycle Assessment: Lessons from the Life-Cycle Assessment of Transport Fuels (June 13, 2017). University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper 2017-27. Available at SSRN.


Mark B. Taylor, Litigating Sustainability – Towards a Taxonomy of Counter-Corporate Litigation (February 3, 2020). University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2020-08. Available at SSRN.

Published Feb. 7, 2017 3:43 PM - Last modified May 13, 2020 2:52 PM