NJCL Special issue: To Pursue or not to Pursue CSR and Sustainability Goals

This special issue of Nordic Journal of Commercial Law (NJCL) deals with various legal aspects of CSR and sustainability. It is guest edited by three researchers from the SMART team: Professor Vibe Garf Ulfbeck, assistant professor Katerina Peterkovà Mitkidis and postdoctoral fellow Alexandra Horvàthovà. The articles are based on five of the contributions to the conference titled 'To Pursue or not to Pursue CSR Goals: Legal risks and Liabilities' which took place in October 2016.  

The foreword and all the articles can be downloaded for free online.


(Vibe Garf Ulfbeck, Kateřina Peterková Mitkidis, and Alexandra Horváthová)


'Directors' Duties and Corporate Social Responsibility under German Law - is Tort Law Litigation changing the Picture', Peter Rott, Issue 1/2017, pp.  11-27.

'Occupational Pension Funds (IORPS) & Sustainability: What does the Prudent Person Principle say?', Alexandra Horvátová, Rasmus Kristian Feldthusen, and Vibe Garf Ulfbeck, issue 1/2017, pp. 28-54.

'Sustainability Requirements in the EU Public and Private Procurement - a Right or an Obligation?', Marta Andrecka, and Kateřina Peterková Mitkidis, Issue 1/2017, pp. 55-89.

'Corporate Social Responsibility and International Investment Law: Tension and Reconciliation', Ying Zhu, Issue 1/2017, pp. 90-119.

'CSR and the Law of the WTO - the Impact of Tuna Dolphin II and EC-Seal Products', Carola Glinski, Issue 1/2017, pp. 120-148 




Published Oct. 9, 2017 2:59 PM - Last modified Apr. 11, 2018 2:49 PM