Special issue of EPPPL on sustainable and socially responsible public procurement

This special issue of European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review (EPPPL) offers a glimpse into the possibilities and challenges of strategic procurement by the European Commission. It is guest edited by SMART researcher Dr. Marta Andrecka and contains 13 articles related to sustainable and socially responsible public procurement. The topics range from compliance, corruption and climate change to supply chain liability in and beyond the EU.   


'Strategic Public Procurement: Facilitating Green, Inclusive and Innovative Growth', European Commission, issue 3, pp. 219-223. Available online (requires log-in).

'Favouring Small and Medium Sized Enterprises with Directive 2014/24/EU?', Martin Trybus and Marta Andrecka, issue 3, pp. 224-238. Available online (open-access).

'Sustainable Procurement: A Compliance Perspective of EU Public Procurement Law', Pedro Telles and Grith Skovgaard Ølykke, issue 3, pp. 239-252. Available online (requires log-in).

'Corruption and the Challenge to Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP): A Perspective on Africa', Ama Eyo, issue 3, pp. 253-265. Available online (requires log-in).

'Addressing Conflict of Interests in Public Procurement in the European Union and the Legal Challenges in Romania and Slovakia', Dacian C. Dragoş and Alexandra Horvàthovà, issue 3, pp. 266-280. Available online (requires log-in).

'EU Public Procurement Law: Purchasing Beyond Price in the Age of Climate Change', Beatriz Martinez Romera and Roberto Caranta, issue 3, pp. 281-292. Available online (requires log-in).

'Socially Responsible Public Procurement (SRPP) under EU Law and International Agreements. The GPA, CETA and the EU-Ukraine Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area', Abby Semple, issue 3, pp. 293-309. Available online (requires log-in).

'Providing Social Enterprises with Better Access to Public Procurement: The Development of Supportive Legal Frameworks', Aikaterini Argyrou, issue 3, pp. 310-324. Available online (requires log-in).

'Supply Chain Liability of the Public Buyer?', Vibe Ulfbeck, issue 3, pp. 325-332. Available online (requires log-in).

'Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Danish Public Procurement', Marta Andrecka, issue 3, pp. 333-345. Available online (requires log-in).

Country reports

Finland: 'Environmental and Social Aspects of Public Procurement in Finland', Karolina Lehto, issue 3, pp. 346-351. Available online (requires log-in).

Sweden:'No Socially Responsible Public Procurement without Monitoring the Contract Conditions', Åsa Edman and Peter Nohrstedt, issue 3, pp. 352-357. Available online (requires log-in).

Iceland: 'Sustainable Public Procurement in Iceland', Dagmar Sigurðardóttir, issue 3, pp. 358-364. Available online (requires log-in).

Norway: 'Socially Responsible Public Procurement (SRPP) in Norway - Respect for Human Rights in Supply Chains', Anne Cathrine Jacobsen and Nora Backer Malm, issue 3, pp. 365-369. Available online (requires log-in).




Published Sep. 28, 2017 10:05 AM - Last modified Apr. 11, 2018 2:49 PM